Nancy Svoboda |
Why did you decide to run for the Board of Trustees at COD?
I am campaigning for this office because I am passionate about service to College of DuPage and its people including students, faculty, classified employees, and tax payers.
Also, I think it is critical for there to be a voice speaking with respect and for the protection of the historic, present, and planned, educational excellence of our community college.
What qualifies you to run for the Board at COD?
In addition to my passion, I have skills unlike other candidates that would be of benefit to our community college. I have three degrees in education, including a doctorate in Adult Education. Also, I have 34 years of higher education experience, specifically in community colleges; more specifically at College of DuPage. Presently I am working at Benedictine University in the Higher Education and Organizational Change program, thus I am continually learning about cutting edge issues and advances in higher education. My degrees and work experience allow me to provide unique viewpoints to the C.O.D. Board of trustees.
It is important to remember that, in addition to fiduciary responsibilities, trustees are to ensure the quality of education provided by the college. Therefore, it is essential to have individuals on the Board who have knowledge of higher education leadership through direct professional experience and matching degrees in Higher Education. I have that background and want to use it for the benefit of College of DuPage.
If you are running for re-election, why should you be retained?
In general, there is value in retaining trustees. Perfecting required skills, developing a deeper understanding of issues, tracking the impact of decisions, and building relationships with those in college leadership positions on campus and beyond can only come with time. While attending state and national trustee meetings, leadership wisdom becomes obvious in trustees that have served their community colleges for 20 or 30 years. Unfortunately, College of DuPage has never had a trustee with many years of continued service. Our revolving door of elected and appointed trustees is a detriment to college function and decision making as demonstrated with the most recent presidential hiring process. An inexperienced board made a hiring decision that has impacted the college today and beyond. Therefore, experience such as mine has value.
My accumulated knowledge is a solid foundation of dedication and success on which to build. To better serve the college community, I have spent the last 5 plus years expanding and growing skills related to trusteeship. Since retiring from College of DuPage, I have spent 20 to 30 hours per week on trustee tasks and personal education. With such available time, I have been able to participate in state and national trustee conferences where I have been mentored by more experienced trustees, attended educational sessions, and built relationships with educational leaders, including legislators as I lobbied on behalf of C.O.D. Also, I have logged thousands of miles and countless hours to meet with concerned tax payers. I have traveled to attend college functions so that I could connect with the people of C.O.D. and also to assess needs, functions, and quality of programs and services. With each visit I privately or publicly honor those who contribute to the excellence for which C.O.D. is known.
As evidence of my impact on the College, here are a few examples of what I have been able to contribute based on my unique C.O.D. perspectives.
- Because I believe in honoring C.O.D.’s history of excellence and innovation, Board Policy 10-106, Historical Preservation was argued, proposed and accepted to honor and recognize the people of C.O.D., their innovations and accomplishments. It was the only trustee initiated policy added to the manual during my time on the board.
- Because I believe in student voice, I was able to add a Student Section to the standard Board meeting agenda plus I suggested the concept of presentations to the board by students.
- Because I believe in transparency, I introduced an agenda item of “discussion”.
- Because I believe in serving all segments of the community, I have been advocating for the return of the Older Adult Institute to provide services to senior community members. Because of my continuing passion and pressure, I am now serving on the Life Long Learning Committee, the only trustee serving on a college committee.
- Because I have a history at C.O.D. that dates back to 1972, I am now serving on the college’s 50th Anniversary Steering Committee.
As a returning trustee, the community can use my experience for the benefit of College of DuPage’s future.
What is your stance on bargaining units and their role in higher education?
I am in favor of collective bargaining and unions. Bargaining units specify rules of conduct, provide protections and give a sense of security to those of the employee group. The emotional and financial well-being of an employee group is essential when providing services to students, fellow employees, and the community as a whole.
In terms of experience, I was a member of NEA/IEA while employed at C.O.D. and am presently a member of NEA/IEA Retired. In the early 80’s, I was the Chair of the Faculty Senate and Faculty Association then continued in other leadership roles on behalf of the faculty and the college as a whole. For example, I served on two faculty contract negotiation teams. Following my service on those intense committees, I continued my support of negotiation teams with activities such as advisor for and/or proof reader of contract language.
Due to my belief systems and experiences with bargaining units at C.O.D., I wholeheartedly believe in them and their role in higher education.
There are several major issues facing the college today and in the near future, what are these, and how do you plan to address them?
Goal 1: Reestablish community trust in COD.
Action: I plan to look for valid areas of improvement, then advocate for change.
In addition, I intend to continue encouraging people to gather facts not just impressions. To that end, I intend to offer my time to speak with interested individuals and groups. I believe in sharing information even though we may not come to the same conclusion in the end.
Employee groups at the college are part of the community. Since my history is with the faculty, I want to continue to hear the specific issues that contributed to the Vote of No Confidence. Neither Dr. Breuder’s departure nor the arrival of a new president assumes that all issues and concerns will disappear. I intend to monitor the issues to their conclusion as the leadership change occurs.
Goal 2: Hiring new president.
Action: I intend to be active in creating a search committee that would include representatives from all vested groups of our community and college including all employee groups, students and trustees. The committee members would need to develop a search plan and a job description based on the needs of the full community. From what I have learned in regard to college leadership trends, I would advocate for a president with a participatory management style. My goal is to serve on that committee.
Goal 3: Improve the work atmosphere for employees
Action: I will advocate that the search process for the new president begins as soon as possible because it will be a signal of the beginning of a new era. I intend to communicate my expectation that the new president must build a climate of respect and support for employees as each performs their work responsibilities and communicates needs. Communication, whether positive or negative, needs to be encouraged and valued. Differences in opinions and perspective build better decisions in the end.
Goal 4: Expand services and educational opportunities for students.
Action: I intend to monitor the offerings presently available for the community, then meet additional educational needs and interests. For example, I think the college needs to expand programming to serve younger and older residents in our district.
Because I serve as the Chair of the Government Relations and Public Policy Committee for the Illinois Community College Trustees Association, I have been appointed to serve on the ICCTA Baccalaureate Study Committee. If the multiple agencies and the legislature support this new educational option, district residents would benefit. As always, when serving on such a committee, I intend to represent C.O.D.’s interests, and to provide a communication link among state agencies and our college.
Goal 5: Build communication systems for knowledgeable decision making
Action: So that I can become more aware of issues, problems, and resolution options, I intend to ask for minutes of meetings such as Shared Leadership Council. Also, I would like to form an advisory group with representatives from the various constituencies to assist me in understanding the various perspectives on current issues.
In terms of Board functioning, I intend, with support of the Board, to change the Board Policy in regard to the length of time served by the student trustee. Presently, the student can serve only one year. Students, with little if any experience serving in this high level position, often are quiet observers rather than full participants during their term. Having a student serve a second term would allow time to build confidence and a willingness to participate fully. Take note of Stephanie Torres who served last year as student trustee but moved to head the Student Leadership Council because a second term as Student Trustee was not possible. Since the college exists to serve students, the voice of the student needs to be heard.
How would you foster open and honest communications between the Board and the other constituencies at the college (administrators, faculty, and classified personnel)?
College of DuPage has a long history of not just resting on its reputation of academic excellence, but also of building improvements after identifying areas in need of change. The climate of the college is a key factor in the service to students and the community, so change in communication systems needs to be a top priority for the Board and the president. To that end, immediate opportunities need to be created for the Board to hear directly from employees in a setting that allows for open, honest consideration of issues. It is essential for morale that individuals be heard without fear of retribution. To validate individuals and constituency groups the Board needs to take action in addressing needed changes. Since the opportunity now exists, the Board must seek a new president with skill sets that are able to address, repair, and build relationships among all those in the college community.
If you saw cuts that needed to be made at the college, where in the budget would you look first?
College of DuPage is an extremely complex organization. It would be presumptuous for a single candidate or trustee to suggest reductions in any budget item or area without the input of those impacted by budget decisions. In general, it is essential to empower the people of the college who have skills, abilities, and passion for the college as a whole. Not only does this apply to the front line employees who work directly with students, but also others who work on behalf of educational service to our community.
Discussions should involve those at the direct student service level. For example, I believe that the college should make it possible for math teachers to be supplied with a variety of colors of white board markers to highlight educational points being addressed. In the broadest sense, conversations need to take place at all levels to balance educational needs with budget limitations. With details put forward from both perspectives, budget changes/reductions could be appropriately made and a balanced budget could be created.
If there is a shortfall within the overall budget, C.O.D. is in a fortunate position to have money in reserve. Although most of it is earmarked, the possibility exists for allocations to keep C.O.D. on an even keel financially.
What is your vision for the College of DuPage in the next 5-10 years?
When I first stepped onto the campus in 1972, I knew C.O.D. was special. As I continued to work at the college, I experienced and viewed a continuing upward trend on all fronts. I expect the passion of the students, employees, and community to continue the excellence which has been our past and will be our future.
More specifically, in five years I would expect:
- Today’s challenges would have been reviewed with solutions implemented to make C.O.D. an even stronger educational force in our district, the state, and the nation.
- Present building projects would be finished so the campus would be able to easily serve the expanding needs of the community.
- A culture of security and support for employees would increase options and satisfaction in the classroom and in student service functions.
- New programs would be added to meet the interests of students and the needs of the community.
- C.O.D. would be offering selected occupational baccalaureate degrees and would have adapted to the educational needs and services of that student population.
- With excellence abounding, I would expect more community residents making C.O.D. their first choice for their educational needs whether that be as an 18 year old freshman or an 81 year old retiree who is interested in affordable, convenient, educational enrichment.