News & Updates

CODAA officers elected for 2020-2021

PresidentCheryl Baunbach-Caplan
Vice President for PolicyBonniejean Alford
Vice President of OperationsSabeeha Shariff
SecretaryNeal Heatherly
TreasurerSteve Mecker
Regional Council RepresentativeMike Dusik
Joe Trahey
Grievance ChairDeborah Rogers-Green
Membership ChairRob Robson
Communications ChairSuzanne Weigos

(terms begin in August)

News & Updates

Webinar on Filing for Unemployment

The IEA is offering webinars on Filing for Unemployment.  Follow the links to register.  When you do so, you’ll receive an email with the link to the appropriate Zoom meeting.

Filing for Unemployment 101 Zoom Meeting Registration Forms

Section 1

Friday, May 22, 3pm – 4pm

Section 2

Wednesday, May 27, 4pm-5pm

Section 3

Friday, May 29, 3pm – 4pm

Section 4

Thursday, May 28, 3:00 pm

Section 5

Tuesday, June 2, 1:00 pm

Section 6

Wednesday, June 3,  3:30 pm

Section 7

Thursday, June 4,  1:00 pm

Section 8

Friday, June 5, 10:00 am

News & Updates

Information on Filing for Unemployment Benefits

Dear Members:
The College has agreed not to contest the unemployment claims for Adjuncts who file for unemployment this summer if:

  • they lost a scheduled summer assignment due to the conversion of all summer 2020 courses to online only
  • they have a history of teaching in the summer but no assignment was offered for summer 2020 due to COVID-19

The College will simply state the information they have always been asked to supply, but will not contest.   The Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) program makes it more likely than ever before that adjuncts will be able to file successfully. 

1.  If you plan on filling for unemployment please carefully read the information provided in the links below. 

2.  If you file for unemployment, please email Frank Brooks,  [email protected].  The IEA wants to keep track of members who file for unemployment so they can have a comprehensive picture of successes and failures in filing so that pressures exerted on IDES can be more concerted and effective.  This information will allow the IEA to have specific information about the number of adjuncts who have filed when they meet with IDES representatives.  

3. If you would like more detailed instructions and tips on navigating the filing process, contact Frank Brooks at   [email protected].

4.   Finally, as stated in the attachment about filing for unemployment, it is important to understand that neither CODAA nor the College can guarantee whether an individual will qualify for regular unemployment benefits or federal stimulus unemployment benefits.  Unfortunately, it is possible that IDES will pay you benefits, but determine later that you were not actually eligible.  They would then expect you to pay back any benefits you received.  While language in the PUA and the IEA’s petition to IDES gives hope that adjuncts can be successful in applying for summer 2020, adjuncts have not typically received unemployment benefits in the past.  CODAA encourages filing if you meet the criteria listed above, with the understanding that this is yet uncharted territory.

News & Updates

April membership meeting wrap-up

Our April meeting was our first ever fully online membership meeting held via Zoom, and it went very well. Below is a link to view a short slideshow with relevant data for our members.

Video content from our meeting with guest speaker Dr. Caputo:

News & Updates

Letter to Members [Apr 13, 2020]