News & Updates

Coffee and Cookies with CODAA!

On March 6 and 7, CODAA officers welcomed 52 members for coffee and cookies outside the CODAA office in the BIC building on COD’s main campus. Many conversations were had and some of these visitors are now newly active members. Due to the success, we will host another event again – so watch your emails.

We had five raffle winners who have been contacted about their prize packages. Those winners are:
Nancy Alaks
Loren Hilderbrand
Linda Lacey
Marla McGinnis
Steve Mecker

Prizes included gift cards, CODAA/IEA/NEA swag, and even a scarf. Items were donated by CODAA members. If you have any contacts or would like to donate a prize for a future raffle, please contact a CODAA officer or drop by the office.

Thank you for being our most important resource.

News & Updates

CODAA Membership Meeting 4/17

CODAA Spring Membership Meeting will take place Wednesday April 17 in SRC 2131 (across from Human Resources office) 2:30 – 4:30 pm.

Speakers: Campus Updates and Q&A – Dr. Curtis-Chavez, Provost

The COD Student: Jim Bente, V.P. of Planning and Institutional Research

Presentation and Vote on the 2019-2020 CODAA Budget

Member Discussion



2019 Spring Membership Meeting

News & Updates

Upcoming CODAA Events

Dear Members:

I want to provide you with some important information. I hope you can join us at one or more of the events listed below.

1. Coffee and Cookies with CODAA: We will be serving coffee and cookies outside the CODAA office on Wednesday, March 6th and Thursday, March 7th (see attached flyer). We invite you to stop by for refreshments, chat with CODAA officers, and ask any questions you might have about CODAA and the benefits you receive as a member.

2. COD Board of Trustees Candidate Forum: CODAA will once again be hosting a non-partisan Candidate Forum to give faculty, staff, students, and community members an opportunity to hear from the candidates running for the Board of Trustees (flyers attached). If you live in district 502,we encourage you to attend this event on March 18th so you can hear the candidate’s positions and ask questions that will help you make an informed decision on who to vote for before the election. As CODAA co-sponsors this event with the Student Leadership Council, you might want to consider, if appropriate, offering extra credit to students who attend the forum.

3. Return your CODAA Election Ballots: If you are an active member, you should have received ballots to vote for CODAA officers and NEA Representative Assembly Delegates. Please be sure to mail in your ballots before the March 12th deadline.

4. Spring Membership Meeting: Save the Date! We will be holding our Spring 2019 Membership meeting on April 17th. Watch for details later this month.

Cheryl Baunbach-Caplan
CODAA President

News & Updates

Call for Nominations for Delegates to IEA Representative Assembly


We are looking for candidates to run for Delegate to the Illinois Education Association Representative Assembly. The RA will be held April 11 – 13, 2019 in Rosemont, Illinois. Learn more about the IEA RA at:

CODAA will elect three delegates to represent our members and their interests. Delegates will participate in plenary and breakout sessions. After the RA, the delegates will prepare and submit a report to the CODAA Executive Board. Funds will be available to defray delegate’s expenses.

Delegates to previous RA’s have reported that it is an informative and enjoyable weekend. It provides an opportunity to network with your peers from other institutions. Participation is a good way to learn about the issues and challenges that face CODAA, higher education, and the education community in general. I would encourage young academics in particular to consider this form of professional development and service to our profession.

To nominate yourself as a candidate to be a delegate from CODAA, simply fill out the attached nomination form and return it to [email protected]. Nominations need to be submitted by 6:00 P.M. on November 6, 2018. The election will be held by postal ballot with all votes due not later than December 4.

IEA RA Nomination Form 2018


Bill Enright
Election Chair

News & Updates

NEA Summer ED Grant Boosts CODAA Membership Drive

The College of DuPage Adjuncts Association (CODAA) is engaged in an aggressive membership drive. As of mid-October, this drives has resulted in adding 97 new members and increasing active membership to almost 55%.

During the Summer 2018, CODAA received a $10,000 grant from the National Education Association (NEA) to bolster support for CODAA by identifying new leaders and increasing membership. A membership drive has been long overdue. Although CODAA engaged in efforts each year to convert Fair Share to Active members through mailings, socials, and membership meetings, the only full-blown membership drive was for CODAA’s inception in 2001. UniServ Director Michelle Couturier, with assistance from NEA’s Michelle Gutierrez, CODAA President Cheryl Baunbach-Caplan, and Lead CODAA Member Organizer Bill Enright, developed the grant proposal. IEA Leadership consisting of Michelle Couturier and Organizer Karen Moore, along with others from the Naperville IEA office, championed laying out the groundwork of this effort by organizing and training the CODAA team of Member Organizers alongside IEA trainers Mike Prehoda and Susan Thorson.

Garnished with bright CODAA buttons and warm smiles, CODAA Member Organizers set out across College of DuPage campuses meeting with potential CODAA members. Bill Enright, Political Science Instructor and Lead Member Organizer, spoke to the importance of collective bargaining matters, for without it “there would be no chance for each member to negotiate their own pay and protections, so working as a union is the only real chance to get fair treatment. In preparing to be a Member Organizer, I heard how CODAA was started from the hard work and dedication of a few volunteers and how adjunct faculty pay increased by 25% in the five years after the union was established. That would not have happened without collective bargaining. All of CODAA’s members are highly educated professionals who could make much more in the private sector but dedicate themselves to teaching and to COD. It is reasonable to ask for fair pay and treatment for the hardworking members, and that is why I am so interested in making the union as strong as possible.”

Lorreta Pyrdek, English Instructor, Member Organizer, and an original CODAA volunteer, said with excitement: “It was gratifying to meet a number of the former fair share members, who, for the most part, had favorable views of CODAA and of what we had achieved. It was also enjoyable to meet and work with fellow IEA and NEA members who volunteered to help our organizing efforts. That was the true union spirit. Thanks to Michelle and the other IEA and NEA personnel, and our own members for their hard work in getting this essential drive off the ground.”

This organized effort created momentum, fresh enthusiasm, and excitement for CODAA resulting in record memberships, turnouts, and involvement. IEA’s Michelle Couturier celebrated the effort: “What a fabulous membership drive as memberships [are up] over 50% for the first time since the inception of CODAA. [We experienced] unprecedented turn out at our [recent fall] member meeting which resulted in 25 new volunteers and in the largest group of non-officers planning on attending the IEA One Conference in October.”

With the success of this membership drive, it is clear to see why CODAA is one of the largest locals in Illinois. It is because of CODAA’s leadership and vision that CODAA continues to trailblaze the way for other locals. Bonniejean Alford, Sociology Instructor, CODAA Vice President of Policy, and Member Organizer, reflected on the role member organizing will play in the future of CODAA and its members: “The role of CODAA in the relationship between adjuncts and administration at College of DuPage remains central to helping meet the needs of the students. Now, it is a critical time to use our collective voice to find the balance between those student needs, the college needs, and the often-overlooked needs of the adjunct faculty member. CODAA stands at the ready to serve not only as a bridge from our members to administration, but also to provide a safe space for the expression of concerns about their working life at College of DuPage.”

CODAA’s membership drive was an impressive demonstration of this year’s NEA slogan “We Are Stronger United.” This collective effort resulted in record-breaking results, as 55% active members represents a 14% increase in membership from June 2018 numbers and is a strong showing for adjunct bargaining units. Cheryl Baunbach-Caplan, Counselor and CODAA President, is proud of the incredible work done by the Member Organizers and CODAA’s Membership Chairs, Vicki Root-Wajda and Rob Robson, who recorded and processed all the new memberships. Michelle, Cheryl, Bonniejean, and Bill, along with the CODAA board, are working diligently to lay out a plan to ensure a continuous and active membership drive aimed at growing the strength of CODAA for years to come. Only as one voice can the individuals be heard on their quest for equity in the academic workplace.