News & Updates

CODAA Social – Be our Valentine!

Dear Members,

Please join us for snacks, networking, and a special CODAA Checklist on Wednesday, February 14th from 1-3 pm in BIC 2431.

CODAA valentine social

News & Updates

Call for Nominations for CODAA Officers and NEA Assembly Reps

Call for Nominations for CODAA Officers and NEA Assembly Reps

Nominations are due by midnight Feb 14th, 2018 for CODAA Officer positions and representatives to the NEA Assembly.

We encourage interested and dedicated members to consider running for any of these positions. See links below for the nomination forms. If you have any questions, please contact our elections chair, Rob Robson, at the CODAA office (BIC 2517) or phone 630-942-3604, or by email via [email protected].


Your local union needs YOU!!!

Our election of local officers will occur on March 14th. We are currently seeking ACTIVE members like YOU! Bring Your Ideas, Talents & Experience for the betterment of our Working Conditions and Fiscal Security.

Positions open for Candidates are:

  • President
  • Vice President for Policy
  • Vice President for Operations
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Regional Council Representative (2)
  • Grievance Chair
  • Communications Chair
  • Membership Chair

All offices are for a period of ONE year. Executive Board meetings occur every month on the third Friday of the month, generally two hours long. Responsibilities for all positions require some time on campus, the amount of which is dependent on the position. There is remuneration associated with each position, according to the level of time commitment and responsibility. For a listing of the job description and responsibilities for each position, refer to the unit by-laws, or speak to a CODAA officer. You must be an IEA-NEA member to hold office.

CODAA Officer Job Descriptions

CODAA Officer Nomination Form 2018





Two delegates will be selected by an election to be held Tuesday March 14.

  • Candidate must be an IEA-NEA member of CODAA.
  • Winners will represent CODAA members and our interests at the various plenaries and group sessions.
  • Winners must make the commitment to go to Minneapolis and participate in both the daily IEA caucus and pertinent NEA sessions.
  • In the event the winner cannot go, the runner-up/alternate will assume the responsibilities.
  • The delegates will report (written or in person) on the activities and issues (such as resolutions, legislative platform and the NEA budget and bylaws) which are brought before the assembly to CODAA.
  • There are funds available from the unit and from the region to cover expenses.

NEA RA Nomination Form 2018


News & Updates

CODAA files grievance on Adjunct Availability form

On Wednesday, December 6th, CODAA filed a grievance on behalf of affected members over the electronic Adjunct Availability form. We shared the concerns many of you have regarding the inability of the form to adequately reflect your availability, campus/satellite location, and other information pertinent to requesting an assignment. While CODAA supports the use of an electronic availability form to facilitate the uniformity of the course assignment process across departments, which may permit earlier notification of assignments, we do not view the current form as being adequate, particularly as the language in our contract (insisted upon by the College) states:

“The College will determine faculty member availability based solely (emphasis added) on the information initially submitted on the College-provided availability sheet prior to the submission deadline.”

News & Updates

Election Announcement and Call for Nominations

Election Announcement and Call for Nominations

CODAA Delegates to the IEA Representative Assembly

Between November 15 and December 6, CODAA will be electing two delegates to the Illinois Education Association Representative Assembly. An RA Delegate serves as a channel of communication between members of the union and union leadership and represents the interests of the local at the Representative Assembly. The IEA Representative Assembly will meet March 30 to April 1 to consider a biennial budget, and act on resolutions, reports and recommendations from the IEA Board.

Who may serve as a RA Delegate?
Any active member of the CODAA bargaining unit in good standing may serve as a delegate to the Representative Assembly.

Who may nominate somebody?
Any active member of the CODAA bargaining unit in good standing may nominate any member of the CODAA bargaining unit. Individuals may nominate themselves.

To place a name in nomination, fill out the attached form and attach it to an email to [email protected], or drop it off in the CODAA office, BIC 2517, by 6:00 PM, November 13 2017.

AT-Large Ethnic Minority Delegate
Between November 15 and December 6, Region 32 of the Illinois Education Association will be electing an At-Large Ethnic Minority Delegate for the IEA Representative Assembly.

To place a name in nomination, fill out the attached form and mail, fax or email it to the IEA Region 32 Naperville office. 3:00 PM on November 13, 2016.

Region 32 Elections Committee
IEA Naperville Office
1555 Bond Street, Suite 121
Naperville, IL 60563
Fax: (630) 369-1561
[email protected]

For more information contact Rob Robson at [email protected].

IEA RA Nomination Form 2017

2017-2018 IEA RA At-Large Ethnic Minority Nomination Form

News & Updates

CODAA Fall Socials

Join us at one or more CODAA socials scheduled for this semester for an opportunity socialize with your colleagues and enjoy some refreshments.

  • Dinner with CODAA, Thursday, October 19th, 5:30-7:00 pm in BIC 2500
  • Breakfast with CODAA, Wednesday, November 8th, 8:00-9:30 am in HSC 2324
  • Lunch with CODAA, Tuesday, November 28th, 12:30-2:00 pm in BIC 2437

CODAA Fall Social Flyer