News & Updates

CODAA Celebrates Members’ Accomplishments

In October, CODAA asked members to share their accomplishments with us. I invite you all to join in congratulating your colleagues for their exceptional work at and outside of the College. In reading the submissions, I was reminded of the incredible talent and dedication of our adjuncts and part-time Counselors and Advisors.

2016 Adjunct Accomplishments

If you did not submit anything to us this semester, I hope reading about your colleagues will encourage you to share your story in spring 2017.

Cheryl Baunbach-Caplan
CODAA President

News & Updates

As a CODAA Member, Attend the IEA One Conference for Free!

The One Conference brings together three very important segments of the Illinois Education Association (IEA) family: ESP members, Higher Ed members, and IEA-Retired members.  This is a personal invitation from your CODAA President to attend the IEA One Conference on October 14th – 15th, at the Doubletree Oak Brook for free under the CODAA group rate.  The conference will offer 80 elective sessions, which range from basic bread and butter unionism, (bargaining and grievance sessions), to specific roundtables and forums geared to your specific membership category, not to mention professional development and personal enrichment sessions.  There is also built in time for networking and socializing, as well as entertainment, free breakfast, lunch, and dinner!
This is a great opportunity if you’ve ever wanted to learn more about the IEA and how they and your local advocate on behalf of members, or you are just interested in some professional development and personal enrichment sessions, or you just want to mingle with other IEA members.  If you are interested in attending or want to find out more about the conference, e-mail Cheryl Baunbach-Caplan at [email protected]  by Weds. Oct 12th.
News & Updates

IEA Member Bus Trip to Iowa in Support of Candidate Clinton

IEA Members are coming together to support the NEA-IEA recommended candidate for President, Hillary Clinton.   On Saturday, October 22nd, a bus will be heading to Clinton, Iowa where IEA members will be going door to door to talk to voters about her campaign.

Bus Departs at 8:30 am sharp from the IEA Naperville Office
1555 Bond St # 121
Naperville, IL 60563

To learn more or sign up to be part of the fun, please click on this link to the IEA Naperville website.

News & Updates

How Your NEA Dues are Allocated

How Your NEA Dues are Allocated 2016-17:

How Your NEA Dues are Allocated 2016-17

News & Updates


Dr. RondeauCODAA’s Fall General Meeting, chaired by CODAA’s President, Cheryl Baunbach-Caplan, was held on Wednesday, August 17 in BIC 2412 from 2:30-4:30 p.m. just before the College’s Adjunct Faculty Reception. Light refreshments were served.

New COD President Dr. Rondeau spoke briefly and then took questions from those in attendance about adjunct issues.
In response to one of the questions, she agreed that we were not “part-time” but a major part of the faculty at COD. Her biggest news was that the college is definitely looking to expand the plaza outside BIC 2412 into more office space for adjuncts, beginning in 2017/2018.
More immediately, she will see that the BIC part-time office is renamed the adjunct office. At the meeting,

Mike Dusik presented his report on the 2016 NEA Convention in Washington, D.C. this summer (6/27-7/7/16).

CODAA meeting
Vicki Root-Wajda, Membership Chair, emphasized how important it is that all CODAA
members become active members, as opposed to fair share, in light of our upcoming contract negotiations, the focus of which will come from our recent member survey, which Cheryl presented, as well as additional ideas generated at this meeting.