CODAA’s Fall General Meeting, chaired by CODAA’s President, Cheryl Baunbach-Caplan, was held on Wednesday, August 17 in BIC 2412 from 2:30-4:30 p.m. just before the College’s Adjunct Faculty Reception. Light refreshments were served.
New COD President Dr. Rondeau spoke briefly and then took questions from those in attendance about adjunct issues.
In response to one of the questions, she agreed that we were not “part-time” but a major part of the faculty at COD. Her biggest news was that the college is definitely looking to expand the plaza outside BIC 2412 into more office space for adjuncts, beginning in 2017/2018.
More immediately, she will see that the BIC part-time office is renamed the adjunct office. At the meeting,
Mike Dusik presented his report on the 2016 NEA Convention in Washington, D.C. this summer (6/27-7/7/16).

Vicki Root-Wajda, Membership Chair, emphasized how important it is that all CODAA
members become active members, as opposed to fair share, in light of our upcoming contract negotiations, the focus of which will come from our recent member survey, which Cheryl presented, as well as additional ideas generated at this meeting.