News & Updates

IEA-NEA Scholarship Applications Due December 4

The deadline for the 2015-2016 IEA-NEA Education Grant is December 4, 014.

Scholarships worth $2,000 each will be awarded to 15 children/legal wards of IEA members. The scholarship is designed to support those who wish to enter teaching as a career. Applications are available from your local president (Cheryl Baunbach-Caplan), your IEA Region 32 Chair (Jackie McGrath, FT-English) or from your field office (1555 Bond Street, Naperville, IL 60563, 630-369-1555).

News & Updates

Patricia Bradley Memorial

At CODAA’s General Meeting on Thursday, August 21, 2014, Patricia Bradley, part-time math teacher at COD, was remembered on a plaque given in her honor by her husband, Jim Bradley, Associate Professor of Math at COD. The inscription reads: “In memory of Patricia Bradley, one of the eighty-six original members of CODAA in 2000, our Union salutes and acknowledges the pioneering work of its founders: Joanne Barsanti, Susan Dreghorn, Loretta Pyrdek, Vicki Root-Wadja, and Diane Rzeszewski.”

In an e-mail to Cheryl Baunbach-Caplan, our current president, Jim writes that his “beloved spouse would have been pleased as well. The adjunct faculty is COD’s prime asset, far more crucial than bricks, mortar, statues, or fountains. The role of CODAA working for their collective welfare is vital. This mission and those who enabled it are worthy of such recognition. Thank you. . .for all you [do] for our students and our institution.”

We thank Jim for his generous donation to CODAA in memory of his wife; we also thank our founders for making the College of DuPage Adjuncts Association a reality. The plaque, which also has a clock, will be hung in BIC 2418, the CODAA office.
plaque presentation

News & Updates

CODAA Member General Meeting 8/21


The Fall CODAA General Meeting will be held Thursday, Aug. 21st, in BIC 2504, from 12:30pm-3:30pm.

COD President, Dr. Robert Breuder will be our featured speaker at 1:00pm sharp. He will speak for about 20 minutes and then he will take a few questions from the audience. This is a unique opportunity for CODAA members and supporters to hear from our college president and speak directly to him.

IEA UniServ Director Michelle Couturier will also address CODAA members on the impact of the recent decision from the Supreme Court concerning union membership. In addition, former CODAA President, Mike Dusik, will speak briefly about CODAA’s history and current concerns.

The membership will be asked to vote on the 2014-2015 Proposed CODAA Budget which has been mailed to your home. Reports from various CODAA officers will be available at the meeting. Refreshments will be served.

The meeting will be convened by CODAA President Cheryl Baunbach-Caplan, and Dr. Breuder will be introduced by President-Elect Carolina Ediza. Cheryl and Carolina, on behalf of the entire CODAA Board of Directors, extend their warm welcome and hope you will attend.

News & Updates

CODAA Spring Member Meeting – SURS Annuitant Recognition

Wednesday, April 23 2014

2:30pm – 5:00pm, SRC 2131

Light refreshments will be served.

2:30-3:00 Reception for retiring part-time teacher-annuitants. Come and honor your colleagues!

3:00-3:15 General call to order by CODAA President Colleen McCoy

3:15-4:10 Vice-President for Academics, Dr. Jean Kartje, will speak and answer questions on Student Evaluations-current practices and future plans

Classroom Evaluation and Observation of part time faculty-current practices and future plans; Question and Answer Session on these topics

4:15-4:30 Laurette Jorgensen, COD Marketing team, on COD’s “New School of Thought”

4:30-5:00 CODAA Updates from Board Members


News & Updates

Lecturer Work Load MOU – April 2014

A draft memorandum of understanding to redistribute hours across the semesters / terms for Lecturers is available for review below. CODAA members will be asked to vote on this at the CODAA General Meeting on Wednesday, April 23, 3pm – 5pm in SRC 2131.

Please direct any questions to President-elect Cheryl Baunbach-Caplan ([email protected]) or Vice President Carolina Ediza ([email protected]).

Lecturer Work Load MOU – April 2014