News & Updates

Congress eForum for Contingent Faculty

Rep. George Miller (D-Calif.) has set up an online e-forum and has asked adjuncts to share their work-life stories and show how their working conditions affect student learning. The deadline is Dec. 20, 2013.

Go to the House Committee on Education and the Workforce e-forum and share your stories!

News & Updates

Part-Time/Adjunct Faculty Team Site

A new Part-Time/Adjunct Faculty Team Site is online:

This can also be accessed from insideCOD. Once inside the employee portal, click on the Team Sites link and then select Part-time/Adjunct Faculty.

News & Updates

CODAA Member Appreciation Party 12/5 and 12/6


News & Updates

CODAA committee on SURS Annuitant Return to Work legislation

CODAA has formed a committee to address the impact of the College’s policy regarding the Return to Work legislation on annuitants working at College of DuPage.

This Committee is chaired by Cheryl Baunbach-Caplan and is comprised of CODAA officers, the President of COD’s Annuitants Association, and CODAA’s UniServ Director. It has met several times since early July 2013. Recommendations from the committee as to how the College might manage allowing annuitants to continue working after July 2014 were presented in person to the administration.

After the administration declined to make any changes to its policy, CODAA sent a “Demand to Bargain” letter on September 13, 2013.

News & Updates

Meeting on SURS Return to Work Legislation 9/27

Jeff Houch, SURS Legislative Liaison, will explain the new Return to Work Legislation to SURS annuitants.

Time: Friday, September 27, 10:00 – 12:00
Where: BIC 2504

Seating is limited to 40-45 persons; please fill out the form below and return it to Sherwood as soon as possible, at the e-mail address at the bottom of the form.

se-annuitant association meeting form (docx)

se-annuitant_association_meeting_form (doc)