News & Updates

IEA-NEA Affordable Care Act Survey

This is a short survey to assess the health insurance needs of our members to provide statewide data for the purposes of developing bargaining strategies against administrations that want to avoid their obligation to the Affordable Care Act. The results of the survey data may also help determine planning to assist members in signing up for the insurance exchange or apply for available subsidies. The survey will close, Sunday, September 8.

The survey also allows for a drawing for an iPad mini, Kindle Fire and one of four $25 Starbucks cards. Your drawing entry as well as any contact information provided in the survey will NOT be associated with your survey responses. Your responses are anonymous and will be viewed in aggregate.

News & Updates

CODAA member general meeting 8/23

AUGUST 23rd, 2013
1:00pm to 3:00pm
SSC Room 2201


Please join the CODAA Board on Friday, August 23rd between 1:00pmand 3:00pm for our Fall 2013 Member General Meeting. 


The tentative guest speaker is State Representative Sandra Pihos.  She will answer questions regarding recent SURS legislation in the state of Illinois.
Please join CODAA after the meeting at the Chap-a-Palooza Picnic.  Please RSVP at [email protected] if you plan to attend the Picnic.


All are welcome.  We look forward to seeing you!




C M McCoy
CODAA President
News & Updates

Daily Herald article on new COD rules

News & Updates

COD extends contract with part-timers

Chicago Tribune interviews CODAA’s president-elect Colleen McCoy on the contract extension.

News & Updates

Higher Ed Council report, May 2013

Report for  May 2013