News & Updates

PENSION call to action–URGENT

IEA members are urged to begin calling their state legislators Sunday (January 6) afternoon in anticipation of a new attack on public employees’ pensions. The call to action is a result of Gov. Pat Quinn’s announcement that Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan had dropped his demand that pension-cutting legislation must include the controversial “cost shift.”
Call to action

Over the next few days, IEA members will likely receive “robo calls” urging them to contact their legislators. Starting at 4 p.m. Sunday, IEA members are urged to use the We Are One Illinois hotline to contact their state representatives.

The hotline number is 888-412-6570. Just follow the prompts and you will be connected to your state representative (Only the House will be in session Sunday evening – the Senate could be in session Monday).
When you get your legislator on the phone, be sure to tell him/her to:

■Oppose any proposal to cut benefits for retired employees.
■Vote NO on any pension bill that has not been negotiated with and approved by the employee unions.
■Work with the unions to develop a fair and constitutional solution to the pension problem.
■Support revenue solutions to the pension problem, not benefit cuts.

It is important to understand that the votes that could be taken between today and Wednesday will be taken by the outgoing (lame duck) legislature.

For more about the bill or for more talking points, visit

News & Updates

CODAA Board Meeting 1/25

CODAA Board Meeting.

Date: Friday, Jan. 25th
Time: 4:00-6:30pm.
Room: BIC 2412

News & Updates

CODAA Openhouse 1/16

All CODAA Welcome Back Party, Honoring New CODAA Members.

Friends and Colleagues of CODAA are invited for sandwiches, soda, and time to meet and greet CODAA officers.

Date: Wednesday, Jan 16th
Time: 11-1pm
Place: BIC 2412

News & Updates

Unions will spotlight pension problems/solutions

Please view this short video from IEA President Cinda Klickna.

News & Updates

Re: CODAA’s Reply to Dr. Breuder’s Contract Extention Offer

Sent: Friday, December 07, 2012 3:57 PM

Hi Diane:

Thank you for CODAA’s thoughtful consideration of two-year contact extension opportunity.

The vote is most unfortunate as this was a splendid opportunity in my opinion.

I too look forward to our positive working relationship. Adjunct faculty are an important resource at our College.

The administration looks forward to negotiating an extension of the current agreement in 2015.


Robert L. Breuder