News & Updates

CODAA’s Reply to Dr. Breuder’s Contract Extention Offer

Sent: Fri, Dec 7, 2012 at 2:29 PM

Dear Dr. Breuder and Ms. Sands-Vankerk,

CODAA union members and its Board of Directors have reviewed and voted on the proposed CODAA contract extension offer which was extended to us in mid-November, 2012. We appreciated the opportunity to consider the offer and meet with the other COD unions concerning its provisions.

After the proposed contract offer was presented to our representatives in your office, Dr. Breuder, and following a general conversation amongst representatives from the four unions concerned with the offer, CODAA carefully considered all aspects of the proposal using the following procedure:
a. an extended email and person-to-person discussion among CODAA Board of Directors personnel occurred over an approximate one week period;
b. several all-CODAA member emails were sent out announcing a special general membership meeting on the proposal, as well as dates and times available for early voting on the proposal on December 4th through 6th;
c. a general meeting was held on Dec. 6th and all provisions of the contract were reviewed with two presentations by CODAA Board of Directors members giving reasons for accepting the offer, and two presentations by CODAA Board of Directors giving reasons to not accept the offer; additional material from the HR department and several pertinent articles discussing possible SURS and national health care changes were available to all;
d. a spirited discussion was held between general members, CODAA Board of Directors members, and our IEA representative;
d. a secret ballot vote was taken and the votes were counted at 5:00 pm by the CODAA president and grievance chair.

The results of the general membership vote was as follows: 55% of the voting membership declined to accept the offer and 45% of the voting membership wanted to accept the offer. Since the majority voted no, the CODAA Board of Directors is respectfully declining your offer.

CODAA wishes to extend its appreciation for the opportunity to thoroughly review this offer. CODAA looks forward to a continued positive relationship between COD and our members, as CODAA part-time instructors deliver quality education for our students, the college, and the greater COD community.

Diane Rzeszewski
CODAA President

News & Updates

CODAA Open House October 24 & 25

Learn the TRICKS we’ve been working.
Enjoy a TREAT with a CODAA Leader.

Stop by BIC-2418.

Wednesday, October 24 & Thursday, October 25 8:30 am to 6:30pm

News & Updates

Call for candidates for delegate to the IEA Assembly


TWO delegates will be selected by an election to be held by mail. Nominations must be in by November 6, 6pm in the CODAA office, BIC 2418.

  • Candidates must be an IEA-NEA member of CODAA
  • Winner will represent CODAA members and our interests at the various plenaries and group sessions.
  • Winner must make the commitment to go to Chicago and participate.
  • The delegate will report the activities and issues brought before the assembly to CODAA.

There are funds available from the unit and from the region to help defray expenses.

If you are interested, contact Vicki Root-Wajda at [email protected] or the CODAA webmaster (use the “Contact CODAA” form at right) no later than November 5, 2012.


News & Updates

IEA Education Scholarship

The IEA-NEA has established a scholarship program that is open to all children/legal wards of current IEA-NEA members. All children/legal wards of deceased, divorced, or IEA-Retired members are eligible to apply, regardless of child’s age or marital status, as long as they plan to pursue a career in teaching. The Committee is now accepting applications to make the awards for the 2013-2014 school year.

All applications, complete with supporting documents, must be postmarked by December 3, 2012 in order to be considered for the 2013 – 2014 school year scholarship program.

To apply go to under menu pull down benefits and look for scholarships and awards.

News & Updates

Call for phone bank volunteers at IEA

Interested in politics? If so, here is your chance to get involved. The IEA is phone
banking other IEA members to encourage them to vote and support endorsed
candidates. The phone calling is conducted from the IEA Naperville office (on
Route 59, next to Steak n Shake). A group of CODAA officers is phone banking
on Tuesday, October 16, from 5 to 8 p.m. at the Naperville office. We encourage
you to come join us and bring another member or two. Other dates available
are: October 23, 24, 25, 29, 30, and Nov. 1. Training, dinner, and door prizes are
provided. Hope you can join us!

The calls are focusing on the Tammy Duckworth, Judy Biggert, Jennifer Bertino-Tarrant races plus the constitutional amendment question.

See our post on 10/2 for IEA’s position on the constitutional amendment, and this document for IEA’s other recommended candidates in the Nov. 6 election.