News & Updates


CODAA has received the following information from We Are One Illinois regarding the recent move to ‘reform’ contributions and benefits to public employee pensions, which includes TRS and SURS:

Your voices have been heard! Thanks to your hard work, SB 512, the legislative vehicle to slash pensions for public employees, was once again stopped in its tracks—for now.

Tens of thousands of calls and emails poured into Springfield from working men and women across the state, demonstrating our collective strength and solidarity. In addition, we joined together to rally in the Capitol to protect public employee pensions. As a result, although SB 512 was released by a House committee, it was not called for a vote on the floor.

Never doubt the power of your voice.

But we are not out of the woods. Lawmakers are scheduled to reconvene for a special session on November 29. While we do not expect lawmakers to bring SB 512 to a vote at that time, we are poised to act quickly if that should change.

Our message remains the same. Any solution must address the heart of the problem: the failure of politicians to make the required contributions to the retirement systems, even as public employees paid their share on time, every time.

News & Updates

ACTION ALERT: Tell your legislators to oppose Illinois SB-512!

IEA has issued another call asking for members and non-members alike to contact their legislators and express opposition to Illinois SB-512.  Proposed “reforms” include cutting your retirement benefits, increasing your contribution toward your retirement, and possibly changing the Cost of Living Adjustment for current and future benefits.  Effected plans include TRS, SURS, and IMRF.


Take Action Today

News & Updates

News You Can Use: Professional Development Reimbursements for CODAA Members

CODAA would like to remind all Members to take advantage of a contract benefit entitled to them:  Professional Development Reimbursements. Because we know many Members were denied these funds last year, the CODAA Negotiations Team worked hard during this last round of negotiations to clarify the contract language regarding this benefit.  Therefore, we would would like to encourage Members to apply (or try again) for reimbursement of professional development expenses.

According to the most recent contract, eligible professional development expenses include tuition, fees,conference registrations, seminars, membership dues, appropriate academic periodicals/subscriptions or one-half the costs for professional licenses that are required in the official hiring guidelines.  Individuals may not request more than $260.00 per person per academic year.  For more information see page. 16 of our contract.

CODAA recommends Members take the following steps in order to obtain their reimbursements:

  1. Note that it is up to the discretion of each associate dean to determine if specific expenses are eligible.  Therefore, if possible before you incur the expense, CODAA recommends checking with your dean to ensure your specific expenses are applicable to your teaching area and will be reimbursed.  Email is best.
  2. After you have received agreement from your associate dean, incur the expense and submit your proof of payment receipt with the required HR form to your associate dean. The form is called “Professional Development for CODAA Prior Approval Reimbursement Form” and it is available for download with HR’s forms on the College’s portal:
  3. After your associate dean signs it, he/she will forward the form and receipt to Dr. Joe Collins’ office for his signature.
  4. Your form will then be forwarded to HR for processing, and then your reimbursement will come to you in the form of a check several weeks later that you will need to pick up at the cashier’s desk (unless you have reimbursements — different from payroll — set up for direct deposit).

Please note: If for some reason your expense is not approved by your associate dean, please get back in touch with us using this contact form.  Please try to include what the expense is, why you think it is relevant to what you teach, and why your associate dean denied the request.

News & Updates

IEA Higher Ed Council Meeting Report

Click here to download the most recent IEA Higher Ed Council Report.

News & Updates

CODAA seeks 2-3 candidates for IEA ASSEMBLY

CODAA is seeking 2-3 candidates for IEA ASSEMBLY, which will be held March 15-17, 2012 in Rosemont, IL.


  • Any active member in good standing (i.e., must have IEA membership and be paying dues to our local.  Duals are counted on their primary place of membership).
  • Agree to attend the IEA Assembly, which will be held March 15-17, 2012, and represent CODAA (and follow through).
  • Please note that you may nominate yourself and that CODAA will reimburse the candidate’s expenses for mileage and hotel.

One ethnic minority delegate
(The minority delegate does not have to be a minority, just someone committed to looking out for minority interests).  Please contact Vicki Root-Wadja (Membership Chair) since the form must be submitted by Monday Oct. 24th.

Two candidates to serve as CODAA delegates
Please contact Vicki Root-Wadja (Membership Chair) by November 11th.

Please use this contact form if you would like to submit your name.