News & Updates

Nominations for the NEA-RA Spring Elections

CODAA is seeking nominations for the NEA-RA Spring Elections.  Nominations are due February 23 and you can nominate yourself.  
To nominate a delegate email the name to:  [email protected]  by February 23.  
CODAA can send 3 delegates to the NEA-RA which will be held in Chicago July 2-6, 2022.  
Thank you,
Election Chairs,
Melissa Victor and Bill Enright 

IEA/NEA Events

Message From IEA

As you may recall, the Illinois Education Association worked very hard during the last legislative session to pass House Bill 2778, the COVID School Employee Benefit and Wage Protection Bill. The bill established statewide standards for unlimited COVID-19 administrative days for education employees who have to quarantine because of illness, exposure, symptoms or to care for a quarantined child. It also provided paycheck protection for non-instructional employees. The bill passed both the House and Senate with overwhelming bipartisan support and was sent to Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s desk.

The governor had until Jan. 28 to either sign or veto the bill. IEA was informed a little more than a week ago that the governor intended to veto the bill because it would have applied to all education employees, regardless of their vaccination status. The governor is a strong proponent of vaccines as one of the clearest paths to move Illinois past the COVID-19 pandemic and hoped that these benefits could work as an incentive to the unvaccinated to get vaccinated.

The IEA’s executive committee gave permission to IEA to work with the Illinois Federation of Teachers, the governor’s office and other stakeholders to come up with a compromise. Today, the governor is announcing that he is vetoing HB2778. He is also announcing a new piece of legislation that provides all of the same items that the COVID School employee Benefit and Wage Protection Bill provided, but only to vaccinated education employees in PreK-12 schools and in higher education.

For more information, here is a copy of the press release from the governor’s office and a Frequently Asked Questions document. If you have further questions or concerns, you can reach out to IEA Connect at [email protected], 1-844-432-1800 or through the Let’s Chat function on the IEA website.

News & Updates

CODAA Variety Show – Virtual Edition!

Come celebrate the end of the semester, and our new contract, with your fellow adjuncts at the CODAA Variety Show – Virtual Edition!

Where – Zoom (link will be sent to registrants)

When – Friday, December 17, 2021 at 7:00 pm (until 9:00 pm – ish)

What – 5-minute performances by you and your colleagues to exemplify our collective awesomeness. Best performance voted on by those in attendance. Only 10 slots are available, so register early to claim your performance spot.

One grand prize winner will be named. The wheel of names of those in attendance will be spun for a handful of door prizes to pick up later on campus. And, best yet, a small snack pack of fun will be mailed directly to the provided address (make your choice on the form).

Non-CODAA guests are welcome to attend, but will not receive snack pack or be eligible to compete (note that if your talent is with a group and some members are non-CODAA, only the CODAA member is eligible to win the prize – everyone else gets bragging rights). You may partner with another CODAA member for your talent, and both would win a prize. They must register separately and enter the details for their performance.  Please provide your non-COD email.

Register on or before Friday, December 3, 2021 for entrance in the contest and receive the snack pack in time for the event. Registration link:

Questions?  Contact Sabeeha Shariff at [email protected]

We hope to see you then! Remember to register soon.

IEA/NEA Events News & Updates

Call for Nominations for IEA Representative Assembly Delegate and Minority Delegate

Nominations are now open for the 2021-2022 IEA REPRESENTATIVE ASSEMBLY.  If you are interested in being a delegate, please complete the appropriate attached form and email it to [email protected] no later than November 5, 2021.  All interested dues paying members are encouraged to submit a nomination.

News & Updates

Contract Highlights – CODAA IEA/NEW 2021 Sept 28th

You must be a dues paying member and provide a non-COD email to vote on the contract via the electronic voting system. Voting will take place from 28 September 2021 to 4 October 2021.

Changes and New Additions to the Contract

  • Removed pool language and pay increases for all Bargaining Unit Members shall be the same percentage, regardless of subgroup. It is connected to CPI-U and will be applied retroactively to Fall 2021. (change)
  • Removed the “me too” clause. (change)
  • Increased Professional Development funds from $350 to $500 with a $60,000 gross aggregate. Also, the language shifted to expand what is allowable for use, including travel. (change)
  • Mandated training stipend will be increased from $50 to $100 and payable at end of the calendar year. (change)
  • Tuition waiver deduction of 2⁄3 off for two classes extended to tax dependents. (change)
  • Shift in language throughout to represent contact hours rather than credit hours for assignment and eligibility. (change)
  • Added clause that no Full-time employee is eligible for membership. (new)
  • Cancellation of classes changed from two calendar days to three calendar days. (change)
  • Added Employee Assistance Program to Wellness section. (new)
  • Guidelines for payroll deduction codified. (new)
  • End contract in May 2025 as opposed to the day before classes start in August. (change)
  • Removal of all reference to Fair Share. (change)
  • Various grammar and gender neutrality issues will be corrected. (change)

MOUs negotiated with contract, but separate

  • Retroactive eligibility protection for most of the union members that lost eligibility due to
  • COVID-19.
  • COVID-19 relief payment of $200 for all members who taught or had counseling/advising hours in Spring 2020.

College’s Asks

  • Duration of four years, with 31 May 2025 conclusion. (Agreed to and included)
  • Wanted to remove the “me too” clause from the contract. (Agreed to and included)
  • No stipulation as to what the college could pay non-CODAA members. (Not agreed to or included)
  • Language that impacted the seniority assignment of counselors and advisors. (Not agreed to or included)