News & Updates

News You Can Use: Dues Deductions For CODAA Members

Just a reminder for CODAA Members:

Starting last year with the College’s migration to the Datatel system, the College now deducts dues from the two October paychecks (for Fall semester) and the two March paychecks (for Spring semester) when an instructor teaches 1st 8-week, 12-week and 16-week formats.  If an instructor is teaching only during the 2nd 8-week period, deductions will occur from the last November/first December paychecks (Fall), or last April/ first May paychecks (Spring).

The amounts for the 2012 academic year are $55 per deduction for IEA/NEA Active Members, and $50 per deduction for Fair-Share Members.

Questions about dues deductions can be sent directly to Vicki Root-Wadja, CODAA’s Membership Chair, using this form.

News & Updates

News and Reminders from CODAA

Great News!   The Illinois Employee Labor Relations Board (IELRB) has ruled on the petition submitted by CODAA.  They have ruled that grant-funded part-time faculty are eligible CODAA Membership.   Welcome grant-funded faculty!

Also, a reminder to all CODAA Members that CODAA dues deductions for this Semester for faculty teaching 1st 8-week, 12-week, 16-week and Fast Track courses will be made from the 3/11 and 3/25 paychecks.  Those teaching  only 2nd 8-week courses will have their deductions taken 4/22 and 5/6.

For more on the history of this change please see this post from last Fall.  If you feel there is a problem with your dues deductions, you can use this form to contact Vicki Root-Wadja, Membership Chair, directly.