President: Cheryl Baunbach-Caplan (C&A)
Vice President of Policy: Jim Marseille (Acct)
Vice President of Operations: John Richy (Phil)
Secretary: Sue Dreghorn (English)
Membership: Vicki Root-Wadja (Anthropology)
Grievance: Debbie Rogers-Green (Math)
Treasurer: Joe Trahey (Adult ESL)
Regional Reps: Mike Dusik (History), Jim Ryan (C&A)
Communications: Regina Rogers (Human Services)
CODAA held its Spring 2016 Membership Meeting on April 27th. Speakers included Interim President, Joe Collins and V.P. for Research, Jim Bente. Also, two part-time faculty members gave presentations: Debbie Rogers-Green on “Managing Difficult Classroom Situations” and Sue Frankson on “What Part-timers Wish Full-timers Knew”. The 2016/17 budget was presented and unanimously approved. A synopsis of the CODAA Member Survey results was also presented. Follow this link to view the PowerPoint Presentation of the meeting.