News & Updates

CODAA and Region 32 Spring Elections

Dear CODAA Members:

On March 14th, we will be holding an election for our local delegates to the 2017 National Education Association’s Representative Assembly. The NEA RA will be held in Boston from June 30th. through July 5th. See the attached Election Notice.

If you are interested in serving as a delegate, please fill out the attached Nomination form and return it by February 14th.

There will also be simultaneous regional elections for Chairperson/NEA RA State Delegate, Vice-Chairperson/NEA RA Successor Delegate, and/or Ethnic-Minority Region Council Representative. If you are interested in running for any of these positions, please fill the attached nomination form and submit it to Region 32.

Elections for local CODAA officer positions will be held on May 2nd.

Rob Robson
Election Chair

News & Updates

CODAA presentation at BOT meeting 1/19 Thu 7 pm in SSC 2200

Dear Members,

Both the College of DuPage Adjuncts Association (CODAA) and the College of DuPage Faculty Association (CODFA) were asked by the Board of Trustees to make a presentation at the regular Board meeting scheduled for Thursday, January 19th at 7 pm in 2200 SSC.

CODAA V.P of Policy, Jim Marseilles, and I will be presenting on behalf of CODAA.  Although it is the week before classes resume, I hope you will consider attending the meeting to hear our presentation which highlights CODAA’s history, accomplishments, and challenges, as well as the accomplishments of, and challenges faced by, our adjunct faculty, and  part-time counseling and advising faculty members.
Cheryl Baunbach-Caplan
CODAA President
News & Updates

CODAA Fall Election Results and Spring Election Schedule

Fall Election Results

On December 6th we voted for two delegates to represent CODAA at the IEA Representative Assembly. The results are the following.

CODAA Delegate Votes
Michael Dusik 77
Stella Styrczula 69
John Richy 1

So Mike Dusik and Stella Styrczula will serve as delegates and John Richy will serve as alternate, in case either cannot perform their role.

We also voted for an At-Large Ethnic Minority Delegate who will represent Region 32. Our votes will be added to those of other locals in the Region. Region 32 will announce the results of this election, as soon as the results are available.

Spring Election Schedule

During the spring 2017 semester, there will be elections for delegates to the NEA Representative Assembly, and for CODAA officers. Watch for further announcements.

For NEA delegates, the schedule is as follows.
February 14 Nominations Due
February 21 Mail Ballots
March 14 Election

For CODAA officers, the schedule is as follows.
April 4 Nominations Due<
April 11 Mail Ballots
May 2 Election

News & Updates

President Rondeau provides responses to questions asked during CODAA’s Fall Members Meeting

Dear Members,
The CODAA board reviewed and discussed Dr. Rondeau’s responses to questions you raised at our Fall Members Meeting.  Regarding Question 1 on the policy of hiring adjuncts as full-time faculty, we sent a follow-up question asking how many of the 13 adjuncts converted to full-time were CODAA members.  We will add that response when it is received.
Dr. Rondeau’s responses
News & Updates

Update on CODAA Contract

In light of the College of DuPage Faculty Association’s recent agreement to a contract extension, some of you have been wondering if CODAA will still be entering into negotiations.

Although CODAA was also offered a contract extension, after careful review and consideration, the CODAA Board did not feel it was in our member’s best interest to extend the current contract based on what was being offered. Counter proposals by CODAA, which included language to strengthen right of assignment for our members, were rejected.

Therefore, we are currently preparing for negotiations and expect to enter into collective bargaining sometime in February, 2017. Our preparation for negotiations is informed by the survey of our members conducted earlier this year.

The CODAA Board