News & Updates

Call for Candidates in CODAA election


Your local union needs YOU!!!

Our bi-annual elections of local officers will occur this April at the
General Meeting. We are currently seeking members like YOU! Bring
Your Ideas, Talents & Experience for the betterment of our Working
Conditions and Fiscal Security.

Positions open for Candidates are:

Vice President



Regional Council Representative

All offices are for a period of two years. Executive Board meetings
occur every month, generally two hours long. Responsibilities for all
positions require time on campus, the amount of which is dependent
on the position. There is remuneration associated with each position,
according to the level of time commitment and responsibility. For
a listing of the job description and responsibilities for each position,
refer to the unit by-laws, or speak to a CODAA officer.

You must be an IEA-NEA member to hold office.

If you wish to ‘throw your name in the hat’, contact Vicki Root-Wajda
or Colleen McCoy, at the CODAA office or phone 630-942-3604.

News & Updates

Call for attendance at Affordable Health Care Act meeting in Chicago, 2/23

CODAA is looking for a member to attend this meeting, most likely in the morning. CODAA will pay expenses. Please reply to Beverly.

On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 4:30 AM, Beverly Stewart<[email protected]> wrote:

Hi Everyone,

In an effort to educate our selves, Region 67 is hosting a session to learn more about the Affordable Health Care Act and to strategize about making it work for adjuncts — not lose hours — developing strong contract language.

We are considering a meeting on Saturday, February 23. We have not set a time or place. But it would probably be at Grace Church, which is 637 South Dearborn. Although the plans are not set yet, I want to get this out to you to get a sense of who can plan. Please let me know if you can come or if you can send someone one from your local.

If you pass this this on to someone you think would be interested in coming, let me know who they are and what their contact information is.

Beverly Stewart
Higher EdIEA Northern Section Rep


News & Updates

IEA Higher Education Council Report (2/15/2013)

IEA Higher Education Council Report (2/15/2013)

News & Updates

Call for candidates for delegate to the NEA Assembly


TWO delegates will be selected by an election to be held by Wednesday, March 7 (7a.m – 6p.m.)

  • Candidates must be an IEA-NEA member of CODAA.
  • Winner will represent CODAA members and our interests at the various plenaries and group sessions.
  • Winner must make the commitment to go to Atlanta, GA and participate in both the daily IEA caucus and pertinent NEA sessions.
  • In the event the winner cannot go, the runner-up/alternate will assume the responsibilities.
  • The delegates will report (written or in person) the activities and issues (such as resolutions, legislative platform and the NEA budget and bylaws) which are brought before the assembly to CODAA

There are funds available from the unit and from the region to help defray expenses.

If you are interested, contact Vicki Root-Wajda at [email protected] or the CODAA webmaster (use the “Contact CODAA” form at right) no later than February 15, 2013.



News & Updates

Higher Education Conference: March 22-24 in Portland, Oregon.

The 2013 NEA Higher Education Conference will be held March 22-24, 2013 at the Portland Marriott Waterfront Hotel in Portland, Oregon.
