News & Updates

News You Can Use: What To Do In the Event of Course Withdrawal

Course withdrawal can be one of the most frustrating and challenging aspects of teaching on a PT basis, especially if one teaches at more than one institution or is heavily dependent on the income. Unfortunately, such is the nature of PT work; it is inherently insecure and dependent on lots of external factors, many of which are well beyond an individual instructor’s control. Having taught the same class at the same time/date for the last 10 years is not a guarantee that it will be assigned again, will make enrollment the next term, or that one will not be “bumped” for a FTer who is in need of a class. Avenues for recourse, if there are any, depend on the time frame of the withdrawal and an individual instructor’s union status.

The first thing you should do, if you would like to try to be assigned a replacement course, is always to respectfully work with your dean, coordinator, or manager (you may use a simple phone call, but always follow up in writing) to try to find an agreeable alternative course assignment. It helps to be flexible and open to non-ideal schedules/classes and make sure you make it known that you are willing to teach classes that may open up before the semester begins or a late start 12- or 8-week course. Document any correspondence to and from the administration about the loss of an assignment. Ultimately, if you are unable to obtain a replacement course and are heavily dependent on the income, you might attempt to file for unemployment insurance.

If you are a CODAA Member, a contract benefit does provide that you are eligible for a stipend of $200 should a course to which you’ve been assigned be withdrawn within 5 calendar days or fewer of the first day of the class. Withdrawals that occur previous to this 5-day window are not afforded any stipends.

Also for CODAA Members, contractually, the administration should make every effort to assign you classes so that you maintain membership.  However, please note that the minimum is 6 hours per academic year.

 As always, don’t hesitate to contact CODAA with any questions or concerns.

News & Updates

Supplemental EEL (Educator Employment Liability) Program Coverage for Medical and Related Arts

Attention nursing/medical, physical therapy, dental hygiene, athletics, and related instructors who are active IEA/NEA and CODAA Members.

We have rec’d the following communication from IEA/NEA regarding a supplemental employment liability insurance program for which you may qualify.  Please see the attached memo for more information.

Attachment: IEA-NEA EEL

News & Updates

CODAA Members: Your prompt action is necessary regarding changes to our contract!

This summer, representatives from your bargaining unit were very hard at work; CODAA and COD have reached a tentative agreement on our new contract.  Please see the documents attached below for details on the proposed changes.

Your prompt action is necessary!  CODAA membership must ratify the contract no later than August 15th, 2011.  CODAA is urging a “YES” vote.


A mailing containing copies of the changed contract language, a summary of the biggest proposed changes and salary structure, and a ballot and return envelope have been mailed to your home address.  Please watch your mailboxes, read the enclosed information carefully, and return your completed ballots ASAP!

CODAA members unable to vote by mail may also vote in person on August 15th, 2011 in the Part-Time Facutly Center (BIC 2406) from 10:00am – 12:59pm.  Vote tallies will begin promptly at 1:00pm.

If for some reason you believe your mailing is incomplete, if you paid dues as a member of CODAA last year and do not receive a ballot, or if you believe you are a newly-qualified member of the bargaining unit and do receive an IEA/NEA membership package in your mailing, please do not hesitate to contact Vicki Root-Wadja, Membership Chair, either via internal COD email or by using the contact form on our website.

Click here to view the Contract Language Changes for Ratification – 2011

Click here to view the CODAA Contract Proposed Changes Summary

News & Updates

Gina Carzoli Memorial

A China Snow Lilac tree has been planted in COD’s landscape lab in honor of Gina Carzoli, PT English instructor from January 1992 until her death in June 2007.  Donated by the Russo family and her husband Peter, children Mitchell, Dana, and Julia—the tree is the first and, so far, only tree in the lab.  Even though Gina never became a bargaining unit member of CODAA, to have a PT instructor permanently honored in this way is worthy of notice.  For those of us who knew Gina and her love, not only for her children, now 16, 12, and 8, but also for teaching at COD, the lilac is an especially fitting tribute. The landscape lab is located directly west of the TEC Building at the southwest corner of Fawell Boulevard and Lambert Road.  For those who care to also remember Gina,  donations to any Breast Cancer Awareness organization would be appropriate and appreciated.

News & Updates

NEA Higher Ed Scholarships

The NEA Office of Higher Education and NEA Minority Community Outreach Department are pleased to announce they will be providing FIVE FULL SCHOLARSHIPS to this year’s joint conference of the Professional and Organizational Development Network(POD) and the Historically Black Colleges and Universities Faculty Development Network (HBCUFDN).

The conference is October 26-30  in Atlanta and is a collaborative effort between POD and HBCUFDN, partners who are committed to diversity and recognizing the role it holds in developing faculty, professionals, and organizations. The conference theme is Create . Collaborate . Engage – with the focus being on creating innovative collaboration across the higher education community.

NEA is committed to providing meaningful professional development opportunities for its members and is excited about its collaboration with POD and HBCUFDN.

1. Eligibility: To qualify, applicants must be dues-paying members of the NEA.

2. Deadlines and other information:

All proposals must be submitted in one complete package by August 1, 2011. Late submissions will not be accepted for review. Applications can be submitted in two ways. Click here to submit your application online or open the PDF in the right-hand corner of this page, type in your responses, save them and email it to[email protected]. You will receive a confirmation from our office once your proposal is received.

After the committee members have separately rated the proposals, the committee will meet to rank the proposals as a group. Decisions will be made by August 30, 2011 and scholarship recipients will be e-mailed to be notified of the committee’s decision no later than September 9, 2011.

Travel grants will be distributed per NEA travel guidelines. All receipts must be kept and submitted for reimbursement. Airfare, hotel arrangements, travel reimbursement, conference registration and meals will be provided as a part of this travel grant.