News & Updates

Fall 2018 CODAA Membership Meeting

CODAA held its Fall 2018 Membership meeting on August 15, 2018, with approximately 60 people in attendance. Highlights of the meeting included the unanimous approval of the 2018-19 CODAA budget, discussion of contract benefits, including right of assignment, and an explanation of the impact of the recent Supreme Court decision on Janus vs AFSCME. Ten formerly fair share members signed membership forms at the meeting and members had the opportunity to win donated door prizes, including the grand prize of an ipad mini. You may also view a video recording of the meeting posted on our youtube channel.


If you wish to become a full CODAA member or are unsure of your membership status, please contact Rob Robson at [email protected].

News & Updates

Proposed 2018-19 CODAA Budget

Members are asked to review the proposed CODAA budget and vote on it at our Membership Meeting on August 15, 2018, from 2:00-4:15 p.m. in 2131 SRC.   We are reducing the budget in some categories to reflect the recent Supreme Court decision regarding Fair Share.


Proposed FY2018-19 budget


News & Updates

CODAA Receives NEA/IEA Organizing Grant to Recruit, Welcome & Sign-up Members

CODAA recently received a $10,000 grant from the National Education Association (NEA) as part of the NEA Ed Summer organizing program to recruit, welcome, and sign-up new and formerly Fair Share members. Six CODAA members attended extensive training on July 12 and 13 to serve as Member Organizers. These are: Bonniejean Alford, (Sociology adjunct) Bill Enright (Political Science adjunct), Theresa Gant-Misher (English adjunct), Dorothy Hurlburt, (English adjunct), Loretta Pyrdek (English adjunct) and Stella Styrczula (CIS adjunct). Each Member Organizer will meet with bargaining formerly Fair Share bargaining unit members and newly eligible members between July 16 – August 31 to talk about the value of the union and the importance of supporting CODAA by signing a membership form. They will also be seeking to identify members who may serve as local leaders. Illinois is one of eighteen states to participate in the Ed Summer program.

CODAA would like to thank the National Education Association and the Illinois Education Association for their generous grant, which includes compensation for the Member Organizers. The grant proposal was developed by Michelle Gutierrez (NEA), Michelle Couturier (IEA), Cheryl Baunbach-Caplan (CODAA President) , and Bill Enright (Member Organizer and Group Leader). We would also like to thank all the IEA and NEA staff involved in the training and our dedicated Member Organizers for undertaking this important task.

Maintaining a strong membership is crucial in light of the recent decision by the Supreme Court in Janus vs AFSCME which overturned the almost 40 year precedent of being able to charge bargaining unit members “fair share” dues for the compensation and benefits they received. For more information, visit:

Pictured from left to right (Stella Styrczula not pictured):

Back row: Mike Prehoda, IEA Canvasser; Theresa Gant-Misher, CODAA Member Organizer; Ambor Cottrell, Associate Staff; Bonniejean Alford, CODAA, Casey Anthony, IEA Organizer; Karen Moore, IEA organizer

Front Row: Bill Enright CODAA Member Organizer & Group Leader; Susan Thorson, IEA Intern; Dorothy Hurlburt, CODAA Member Organizer; Cheryl Baunbach-Caplan, CODAA President; Michelle Couturier, IEA UniServ Director; Loretta Pyrdek, CODAA Member Organizer

News & Updates

2018 CODAA Spring Membership Meeting

CODAA held its Spring Membership meeting on April 18, 2018.  About fifty members were in attendance to hear Dr. Rondeau, the results of the BIC Adjunct Office survey, resolution of the Grievance filed by CODAA on behalf of members regarding the Adjunct Availability form, IEA UniServ Director, Michelle Courturier, on the upcoming Supreme court decision on Janus, and other updates.  For those of you who were unable to attend, you can view the presentation and read the minutes here:


Meeting minutes


News & Updates

Bus Trips to the Workers Rally in Chicago, February 24, 2018

On Saturday, February 24th there will be a Workers Rally in Chicago at the Daley Plaza.

The IEA is doing this with IFT, AFSCME, and other unions.  There are buses from many different locations, including a bus leaving from Lombard! This is an important rally to show support of labor unions coming just prior to the Supreme Court Janus hearing.

For more info, call 844-IEA-1800 or visit: illinois-educators-action-network-iea-nea  Please come if you can!