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CODAA board meeting minutes: July 2012

CODAA board meeting minutes: July 2012

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CODAA General Meeting Wednesday, 8/15

CODAA General Meeting Notice

The Fall 2012 General Meeting for CODAA members* will be held on

August 15, 2012, Wednesday,

 in SSC 2201

from 2:30pm-3:45pm.

Drinks provided.

This will give our members adequate time to attend the COD Fall Kick-Off Events which begin with a Reception (food and drinks provided) in the MAC Lobby at 4:00-5:30 pm. This year COD is celebrating the contributions of all part-time instructors, so please make an special effort to attend.  Details about Fall Kick-off Events are coming out this week, so please look for them.

*All part time instructors are welcome at the CODAA meeting where they may speak, ask questions, and give opinions.  However, only CODAA active members can vote.

 CODAA Meeting Agenda will include the following:

1.    Introduction of the CODAA Officers

2.    CODAA Budget adoption

3.    CODAA By-Laws adoption

4.    Salary scale for 2012-2013 for CODAA and non-CODAA Part-Time Instructors 

5.    Union dues amounts and timetable

6.    Membership contest

7.    Face book page announcement

8.    Discussion of the $200.00 cancellation stipend.  Should we ask the college to consider shortening the time from 5 days (per our contract) to 2 days, so students get more time to enroll in our classes and perhaps reduce the number of classes cancelled?


Diane Rzeszewski
CODAA President

News & Updates

CODAA Budget 2012

The CODAA Budget for 2012 is available here: CODAA_Budget_2012

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CODAA Bylaws 2012

The CODAA Bylaws for 2012 are available here: CODAA_Bylaws_2012