News & Updates

2023 Spring CODAA Membership Meeting

CODAA held its first in-person membership meeting since the pandemic on Friday, January 20th.  Approximately 45 members attended to enjoy some hot and cold refreshments, mingle with colleagues, and conduct CODAA business. 

Members approved the proposed revision of the CODAA bylaws with a vote of 30 in favor and one abstention.  The bylaws are posted on our website.  Managers Adam Hogan, Jen Prop, and Kate Szetala from the Adjunct Faculty Support Office spoke about the resources and support offered by their office and answered questions from members.  There were also presentations on tips for maximizing your assignments in times of lower enrollment and faculty observations and follow-up.

List of Dept Chairs through summer 2023

Powerpoint from the meeting

News & Updates

Proposed Revised CODAA Bylaws, 2023

The Bylaws Revision Committee submitted a revised draft of the bylaws to the CODAA Board which reviewed and approved the new version. Dues paying CODAA members will now vote to accept the revised bylaws at our membership meeting on Friday, January 20th. 

Posted for our members’ review are a clean copy of the revised bylaws, the original redlined version, and a short summary of the revisions. Please review prior to the Membership Meeting on Friday, January 20th from 12-2 pm in Room 2131 SRC.

*Only dues paying members in attendance at the meeting will be able to vote on the revision.

News & Updates

CODAA Social (Oct 14 2022)

CODAA Social

On Friday, October 14th, CODAA held its first in-a-while in-person social gathering at Warren’s Ale House in Wheaton. Thirty-two members attended for good snacks and great conversation! We hope to see you at a future social event!   Visit our webpage for photos of this fun event.

Cheryl Baunbach-Caplan

CODAA President

News & Updates

Please vote YES on the Workers’ Rights Amendment

The Workers’ Rights Amendment is a proposed addition of Section 25 to Article 1 of the Illinois Constitution.  It will help protect salaries and pensions and protect our voice with collective bargaining in our schools.

News & Updates

Member Meeting Sep 16, 2022