News & Updates

Spring 2016 Election Results and Membership Meeting

CODAA held its elections for officers in April, 2016  The following officers were elected to serve for the 2016/17 academic year.

President: Cheryl Baunbach-Caplan (C&A)

Vice President of Policy: Jim Marseille (Acct)

Vice President of Operations: John Richy (Phil)

Secretary: Sue Dreghorn (English)

Membership: Vicki Root-Wadja (Anthropology)

Grievance: Debbie Rogers-Green (Math)

Treasurer: Joe Trahey (Adult ESL)

Regional Reps: Mike Dusik (History), Jim Ryan (C&A)

Communications: Regina Rogers (Human Services)



CODAA held its Spring 2016 Membership Meeting on April 27th.  Speakers included Interim President, Joe Collins and V.P. for Research, Jim Bente.  Also, two part-time faculty members gave presentations:  Debbie Rogers-Green on “Managing Difficult Classroom Situations” and Sue Frankson on “What Part-timers Wish Full-timers Knew”.  The 2016/17 budget was presented and unanimously approved.  A synopsis of the CODAA Member Survey results was also presented.  Follow this link to view the PowerPoint Presentation of the meeting.

Spring 2016 Membership Presentation

News & Updates

CODAA Representation on Important College-wide Committees/Councils

For some time, CODAA has had representation at Shared Governance Council and Constituency Pre-Board Meetings. We are pleased to announce that for 2015-16, Interim President Dr. Collins supported our request for representation on all major College-wide Committees and Councils. This is a major step in giving a voice to the insights and concerns of part-time faculty in shaping the decision-making and future of the College.


Our current CODAA Representatives are:

Academic Committee: Cheryl Baunbach-Caplan (Counseling & Advising), Sue Dreghorn (English)

Accreditation Task Force: Sue Dreghorn (English), Chris Johnston (Counseling & Advising)

Institutional Effectiveness Council: Annemarie McDuffee (Adult ESL), Kathleen Szeszol, (English)

Strategic Long-Range Plan Advisory Committee: Mike Dusik (History), Kathy Kotowski (Counseling & Advising)

Student Success Council: Bill Enright (Political Science), Lana Hall (Counseling & Advising)

Web Page Redesign: Allison Greene (Counseling & Advising), Peter Chen (Biology)


If you are interested in being considered for one of these committees in the future, or being involved with CODAA in another way, please contact Cheryl Baunbach-Caplan, CODAA President, at [email protected]


Committee members are compensated at the negotiated CODAA rate of $26/hour (maximum per Fiscal Year of $624) for their meeting time participation.

News & Updates

Call For Candidates For CODAA Election April 13

Dear CODAA Member:

In the coming weeks we will be holding elections for all Executive Board positions and delegates (2) to the National Education Association Representative Assembly. In the pages that follow, you will find information about the various offices. For each office, you will find the formal description from the CODAA by-laws. You will also find a description of some of the reoccurring duties and activities that the office has been involved with recently. I hope that this information proves useful in deciding what kind of person you would like to see serving and whether you want to serve as an officer yourself.

If you are an IEA member, you will be receiving an email soon with nomination information. It is permissible to serve as a member of the Executive Board and as a delegate to the NEA Representative Assembly.

IEA members may vote for NEA delegate only with the local where they have their primary affiliation. Therefore, members whose primary affiliation is with another institution may vote for Executive Board offices, but not for NEA delegates.

An individual may serve as an Executive Officer and as NEA delegate.

You may self-nominate.

Ballots will be mailed on March 23, and will be due not later than April 13, 2016.

Rob Robson

Election Chair

Officer Job Descriptions

CODAA Officer Nomination Form

News & Updates

CODAA Election April 13


Your local union needs YOU!!!

Our election of local officers will occur April 13th. We are currently seeking ACTIVE members like YOU! Bring Your Ideas, Talents & Experience for the betterment of our Working Conditions and Fiscal Security.

Positions open for Candidates are:


Vice President for Policy

Vice President for Operations



Regional Council Representative (2)

Grievance Chair

Communications Chair

Membership Chair

All offices are for a period of ONE year. Executive Board meetings occur every month on the third Friday of the month, generally two hours long. Responsibilities for all positions require some time on campus, the amount of which is dependent on the position. There is remuneration associated with each position, according to the level of time commitment and responsibility. For a listing of the job description and responsibilities for each position, refer to the unit by-laws, or speak to a CODAA officer.

You must be an IEA-NEA member to hold office.

If you wish to ‘throw your hat in the ring’, contact Rob Robson, at the CODAA office (BIC 2418) or phone 630-942-3604, or email via [email protected]

News & Updates

Call For Candidates For Delegate To The NEA Assembly 7/2-7 2016


JULY 2— 7, 2016

Two delegates will be selected by an election to be held Wednesday, April 13. Nominations are due not later than March 16.

  • Candidate must be an IEA-NEA member of CODAA

  • Winners will represent CODAA members and our interests at the various plenaries and group sessions.

  • Winners must make the commitment to go to Washington and participate in both the daily IEA caucus and pertinent NEA sessions.

  • In the event the winner cannot go, the runner-up/alternate will assume the responsibilities.

  • The delegates will report (written or in person) the activities and issues (such as resolutions, legislative platform and the NEA budget and bylaws) which are brought before the assembly to CODAA

There are funds available from the unit and from the region to help defray expenses.

If you are interested, contact Rob Robson at [email protected] or call 630-942-3604 no later than March 16, 2016.